Friday, April 10, 2009

No Greater Love

A poem with great meaning for me.

And is Thy spotless life on earth to end
Ere Thy young manhood has but scarce begun?
Will not Thy Father heaven’s guardians send?
Thou art His Son.

Is there no other way to save mankind
Without Thine agony and utter loss?
Is there no road which Heavenly Love may find
Beside the Cross?

There is no path His weary feet may know
But that which leads Him to the shameful tree;
That Great Forgiving Love will even go
To Calvary.

__ No Other Road, by E. Lillian Lowther

Today is a day of mourning, a reminder of the suffering and death of our Savior. Some of us also mourn for loved ones to whom we have said a tearful but temporary farewell; an infant daughter who would have celebrated her 53rd birthday this month, a caring, self-sacrificing husband, father & brother-in-law whose birthday was today and an infant newborn returned the same day to the Father’s arms.

But, our mourning turns to joy because of “That Great Forgiving Love”. We know the farewells were temporary. The Cross was not His final act. We celebrate the Empty Tomb and the Hope of the Resurrection. We will join our loved ones again in the presence of our Savior!

O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?

But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

I Corinthians 15:55, 57

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