Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Flowers are…sunshine, food and medicine for the soul.
Luther Burbank

This quote was on a small sign tucked away in the wildflower garden at the Desert Botanical Gardens.
I have seen it twice in the past two weeks while strolling through the garden viewing the Chihuly blown art glass exhibit. The first time was a treasured two hours with Christa and Gordon. The second was different but an equally treasured time this past week when I took my sister Katy and sister-in-law Lyn-Ette. It was a first experience for the three of us to be together on an excursion, Katy in her wheel chair and Lyn-Ette lovingly insisting on pushing the wheel chair the entire time. Had there not been such an exquisite environment it would have still been a remarkable two hours with two ladies I love very much!

I was reminded of that quote this weekend as I spent time in our garden weeding and planting with Gordon. It is the first time I have had the freedom of time for many years to dig, and weed, and plant, and experience the satisfaction of standing back dirty and tired surveying the result of my labor. We planted petunias, pansies, (my favorite which unfortunately were planted too late to smile and nod at me for long) and the border of sweet alyssum in white and purple.
I don’t remember experiencing as much soreness and pain the day after my prior gardening experiences! Twenty years can make quite a difference.

So this has been a week of enjoying beauty created by man and unsurpassable beauty of God’s creation.
“Consider the lilies of the field, they neither toil, nor spin, yet even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Matt.6:28

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